Domain names - Domains and Hosting

Phishing, slamming and other fraudulent e-mails: stay alert during the end-of-year holidays!

Every year, the end of year holidays announce the upsurge of fraudulent e-mails mass...

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – Data theft of a website

Every day, new cyberattacks are threatening companies’ defense systems, and further...

Who wants fake tickets? Santa Claus vs Typosquatting

Disneyland Paris freely offers 4 tickets on Facebook! You just have to go here: Then we arrive...

A bad phishing story

A victim of phishing from 2015, asked her bank for a refund of 3300€, which was the amount...

The dangers of Wildcard certificates

Image source: skylarvision via Pixabay TLS/SSL certificates are used to...

Europe decides to apply sanctions to transboundary cybercriminals

Image source: GregMontani via Pixabay On Friday May 17th, 2019, the Council of...

Firefox 83 launches HTTPS-Only mode

On November 17, Mozilla released the version 83 of the Firefox browser, promising improved...